::People of the sun::

Yeah, that'll do. Ta!

Archive for the 'Fast out' Category

Suddenly: 42!

Happy 10.10.10!

Sound of the day: Ennio Morricone – The good, the bad & the ugly

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Welcome to India!

Sound of the day: The Prodigy – Voodoo People

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Blue deer


Sound of the day: Hilltop Hoods — The Hard Road

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Win. Like, not

The Old Lady needed a timeout and as a result I had to waste my precious Sunday on the highway waiting for towing service. Fair enough, to be honest. 401.000+ kilometers and still counting. 25 years of joy. And, I had a great day tanning in the sun. Fuck, yeah. ;-)=

Sound of the day: Billy Talent – River Below

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Real world

Someone asked a few days ago where all the pics featured on our happy site come from. Well, it’s fairly easy…we took them with our cameras or mobile devices (!). Ha. Well, to be completely honest, some are even scans of old analog photos of us or close family members. A pretty decent amount of these pics were taken in Australia, the Eifel or on countless trips around Europe or other friendly parts of the world. We never made any arrangements to take the perfect photo and we currently don’t even use any fancy cameras. We shoot quick and dirty and try to just capture the moment. Feel free to like them.

Sound of the day: Bliss n Eso – Down by the River

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The beauty of summertime…

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Floating question mark

Dream from last night: “For some strange and to me unknown reason I had to move out of my house and was in search for a shared apartment. I took a good look through the papers and found an offer that sounded rather good. I called them, we had a chat and they agreed to send some pics which looked fantastic too. The decision was made, I took the apartment, apparently without every actually being there. Everything seemed to be alright in the first place so I decided I’ll be all good then. When I finally arrived everything felt strange although the house was pretty nice. I rang the bell. A nice old chap opened the door and let me in. We had a short chat and he showed me the room where to my surprise a big party was going on. Everyone seemed to be around 16-18 years old and as far as I was concerned there was no place on earth where I wanted to be less than in that room. Suddenly a young guy approached me and said he was Blablabla and that he was so exited we are living together now, in the same room. I turned around and directly left.”

I woke up with a big question mark floating over my head.

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Back from Berlin

I’m back from Berlin and, as always, it’s so good to be back. I can’t exactly tell why but for some strange reason I’m very happy leaving that beautiful city after a certain time.

Anyway, thanks for the lovely weekend, I’ll be back anyway. ;-)

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Oh my

I recently deleted my Facebook account. From now on you might have to poke me in real life. Yeah.

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Hint of the day

I will be in the Netherlands over the weekend and encourage you to do the same.

We’ll catch up and have a beer or two.

Sound of the day: … –

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What’s wrong with being cool

Sound of the day: Prodigy – Warrior’s Dance

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Mad as fuck

Since a lot of government officials in Germany are lately demanding random laws we like to step in and help those nutters with more random and idiotic ideas, for security reasons:

– Labeling of every citizen for quick identification
– Registration of websites only after approval by the officials
– Controling and documenting of all electronic communication
– Introduction of  “Online Drivers License” that needs to be renewed every year
– Abolishing of money
– Installation of cameras in every home
– Introduction of curfew after 10 o’clock for everyone except those who earn >100.000 €/year
– Development of Matrix for easy “citizen-handling-purposes”

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Bad weather

I recently figured out I love the chaos of bad weather. I always thought I was more the kind of good weather guy but I guess I was wrong. For some reason rain, storm and possible destruction makes me rather happy. Strange.

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Keeping it real…

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Interesting topic

Where were you last night…?

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I’m feeling lucky.

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Thoughts are crossing my mind and I’ve got the feeling the world is going nuts. Question of the day: Will it affect me?

Mmh, I guess I’ll never know. It seems to depend on what I’m looking or searching for in life. The concept of total happiness doesn’t totally work out but all in all I couldn’t care too much. There is always something that saves my day and makes me extremely happy, again and again. Maybe I’m just simple minded…simple minded and very happy with how thing are and how things might turn out.

Remember: The glass is brimful! And, you decide whether you want to drink it or not.

Sound of the day: Supergrass – Rush Hour Soul

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Happy times

Seems to be the perfect plan.

Sound of the day: The White Stripes – Hypnotize

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How to rule the world


Never, ever stop fighting for your beliefs! Fight for your rights. Fight for more beer. Fight for the society of bird lovers. Fight, just for the sake of it. Fight till you drop. You’ll get up eventually. Fight for things you ever wanted to be in place. Fight for your right to fight. Fight for nothing. Fight windmills. Fight the war. Fight idiots. Fight religions. Fight stupidity. Fight your own restraint. Fight for beaches wherever you want them to be.  Fight till you are happy with what you have achieved. Fight for yourself. 

You pick your weapons. Or don’t.

Fight! Fight, but fight fair.

Sound of the day: Pennywise – Fight till you die

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Invading Russia! Remember: It was a damn good time when you can’t stop thinking of it.


Sound of the day: Youth Brigade – I hate my life

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Modern heros


We hang in there!

Sound of the day: The Hives – Here we go again

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It could have been you…

…or me.

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Still going

Dicke Bertha Over the last few weeks I was pretty close to edge. I had that strange feeling I needed a change and probably a new car. So I took a good look at the Net, visited a few dealers, took test-drives and enjoyed the probably near-future feeling of driving a new shiny vehicle. It didn’t last long.

That feeling faded away, as fast as it appeared. See, I just couldn’t do it. It would have been betrayal of a good friend, someone I know for a pretty long time. My car has character, is a very friendly soul and only 25 years old. How could I leave her? Impossible!

Man, I just couldn’t break her heart and exchange her for someone younger. I couldn’t.

Just for the stats: 380.000 k’s of pure lust, joy and fantastic entertainment.

Sound of the day: Spiritual Beggars – Angel Of Betrayal

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Life tip

Out... Being awesome is easy.

Just be.

Sound of the day: Bad Religion – Damned To Be Free

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Freakin’ awesome!

Yeah, Berlin rocks!

Looking good is not a crime…

Sound of the day: Herr Koenig – Meer Sonne

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Your blog sucks.

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Thought of the day

... Some people just don’t know when to stop. They don’t get it and they don’t care. They just talk, talk, talk. They don’t understand anything. They don’t adjust. They don’t cope. Some people know nothing about life, nothing about their surroundings and nothing about history. And they don’t want to. They are not some extreme lefties trying to escape our society or build a better world. They are not your neighbors. They are not nice. They don’t agree with you and if they do, they make sure you don’t notice it. Some people try to be cool and are just so fucking lame. Some people think they are better than you.

If you had one wish right now, what would that be?

I wish some people would just shut the fuck up!

Sound of the day: The Soft Pack – Answer to Yourself

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State of mind


Freakin’ awesome!

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...notgreen... Dreamed again way too strange, even for my personal taste. Everything started rather easy but got worse pretty soon. I can’t go into details too much since the situation was a bit too disturbing. Long story cut short: Random people suddenly stepped out of my TV, good friends turned into flesh eating zombies, my teeth fell out surprisingly while black cats crossed my way the whole time. In the end I went berserk and killed everyone. Even the cats. I have to admit I seemed to enjoy it a lot.

Well, the good thing in my dreams is that I never die. I just grow stronger and fight the evil. I might change my profession and do for a living what I obviously can do best in my dreams:

Go nuts.

Sound of the day: Salvador Santana – Don’t do it

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Jann Modell

Seen on a side street, last weekend. Trash deluxe.


Sound of the day: The CB’s – Misdemeanour

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Upgrade your time

...neverslowdown... Got up at 5.20, showered, had some fast breakfast, drove 400 km’s to my client, worked 8 hours and a little more, got tired, went to the hotel, ate something, hung around just to realize that it’s the end of the month, again. Yeah, I know, that sounds awful but was in fact not too bad. Some days seem to be pretty tough whereas being in fact just busy and maybe, well, maybe a bit too fast.

Strangely enough, I’m often be able to do more things on days I’m already very busy while on the other hand fail to accomplish very simple tasks on days I have nothing to do. True fact. 

...getdown...I like the second category a lot more. I like wasting time. I like being lazy, looking back at the day thinking I have given nothing to this world. Exactly nothing. Nothing I can be proud of. While thinking of this, it makes a lot of sense.

Remember: There’s nothing better than spending some premium time outdoors being totally absorbed in your private universe. You might try it one day…


Sound of the day: Weezer – Hash Pipe

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Where am I?


Sound of the day: The Beautiful Girls – Don’t wait

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... Thinking of you can be so very sad, sometimes. It’s not only that I do miss you, it’s actually a much stronger feeling. It’s something more important, it comes from deep inside and it wants to get out, on a pretty much daily basis. I guess, to be honest, I might have to let it out and give it room to breath! I am afraid, I could explode otherwise.

Some things are easy to be said…

…but hard to explain.

Sound of the day: The Cat Empire – How to explain

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Explore your world

... ... Fakt: Die Hässlichkeit der Welt kann ziemlich beeindruckend sein. Aber reicht das? Mmh. Letztes Wochenende konnte mich mal wieder nichts im Haus halten, ich musste einfach raus und laufen, laufen solange die Fuesse trugen. Die Suche nach guten Fotos treibt beim derzeitigen Wetter teilweise recht verzweifelte Blüten. So richtig sonnige Tage gab’s wohl seit einigen Wochen nicht mehr und dementsprechend trotzlos blickt die Welt umher. Grau, traurig, nass und ziemlich unwirklich. Trotzdem, der Schnee fiel froehlich und gleichmaessig und ich lief einfach immer weiter. Diese Unrast, das beklemmende Gefuehl nicht drinnen sein zu wollen muss wohl ein Ueberbleibsel aus Australien sein. Regelmaessig kommt der Punkt an dem ich am liebsten wieder im Zelt in der ......Natur leben wuerde, draussen, an der frischen Luft, frei. Voegel sollen auf mein Zelt scheissen und Dreck soll unter den Schuhen pappen. Diese geleckte, glatte   und ekelhaft haessliche Welt aus Beton andererseits ist zwar sicherlich schoen um seinen Instinkten des Entdeckens nachzugehen, zum Leben ist das allerdings definitiv der falschen Ansatz. Andere Kulturen wuerden niemals in solchen Bunkern leben, es gibt aber auch ueberhaupt keinen Grund dazu. Die Wahrheit ist, Deutschland ist viel zu voll und zusaetzlich haben sich offensichtlichen viele Menschen mit Verantwortung ueberhaupt keine Gedanken gemacht wie schlimm ihr Umfeld aussieht. Und, niemand stoert sich an diesem Schrott. Streng genommen ist es mir aber auch andererseits herzlich egal, sollen ruhig alle Leutchen in der Stadt wohnen…ich werde euch nicht davon abhalten, im --- --- Gegenteil, ich werde euch geradezu auffordern in die Staedte zu gehen, weit weg von der Natur und weit weg von mir. Waehrend ihr in euren Bunkern mit Konsole zockt oder vor dem Fernseher verbloedet, laufe ich durch die Natur und versuche zu vergessen, dass es euch gibt. Es gelingt mir zwar nicht endgueltig, fuer viele Moment allerdings schon.

Daher, meine Forderung an die Politik: Freiheit fuer die Natur, schafft mehr Leute in die Stadt!

Sound des Tages: The Beatles – Mother Nature’s Son

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DoS [Update]

We have been under heavy load today and went therefore offline for a while.

Thanks a lot for your great and increasing interest in our website.


Update: So, we do have a caching system in place right now. Let the traffic come!

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Fuckidi Fuck FDP

Wenn jemand Interesse an sensiblen Bankdaten hat, moege er sich bitte vertrauenswuerdig an den Dealer an der naechsten Ecke wenden.

Hier gibt es nichts zu sehen.

Sound des Tages: Marc Hype & Jim Dunloop – Predominant feat. Mr. Lif

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24, anyone…

What would Jack Bauer do?

Jack Bauer, anyone?

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On your Intercom…


Sound of the day: The White Stripes – Cold, cold night

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Held der Arbeit

(11:42:07 PM) Me:
2010-01_20090629Heute reparierte ich im Buero einen Bandroboter, der nach einem fiesen Hardwaredefekt ausgefallen war. Als das Ding nach endlosen Versuchen und dem Tausch der nahezu gesamten Hardware endlich wieder, entgegen meiner urspruenglichen Annahme, funktionierte, stand ich mit erhobenen, Jubel erbittenden Armen in der Mitte des Rechenzentrums und lachte, als waere ich der Teufel persoenlich, der den armen Sklaven die Weisheit bringt.

(11:42:16 PM) Dr. Strange:
Irgendwie ist das ja auch so.

(11:42:44 PM) Me:
Im Nachhinein denke ich, dass ich nicht so laut haette “YEEEEEEEEEEEESSS” schreien sollen…

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Ring. Ring.

I will have to get back to you. Seriously.

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...-... Viele Menschen meinen, dass der Kuenstler leiden muss, um kreativ sein zu koennen. Dass der Schmerz das Beste aus dem Individuum zieht, ihn oeffnet und so die Chance entsteht, alles rauszulassen was schon immer darauf wartete, befreit zu werden.

Alles Quatsch. Was den Kuenstler wirklich inspiriert, ist die Wut, der Hass und all’ die tiefen, boesen Emotionen, die in jedem Menschen schlummern.

Heute ist wieder so ein Tag an dem ich mich wundere, wie ihr das macht. Wo eure Kreativitaet bleibt, wenn ihr den Glauben an die Evolution verloren habt und trotzdem keine Wut entsteht? Wie koennt ihr das alles ertragen?

Was zum Teufel ist euer Geheimnis?

Sound des Tages: Mando Diao – Maybe just sad

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What are you looking at, punk?


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Moment of truth

Neeltje Jans While thinking of it, I’d like to live in the Netherlands for a while.
Well, yes, with you, of course. Silly!

The good thing is, we might both like it. ;-)

Sound of the day: Prodigy – Voodoo People

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Simply, anyone?

Simply... One of the better things about living so very close to France is that we are always able to just cross the border whenever we are in the mood to do so for some quick shopping of fine groceries. The food is in fact fantastic and above all highly different. Anyway, what I really like about dropping over is the feeling of really being a foreigner. See, everywhere you go in Europe people will be, more or less, happy to have us Germans visiting them. The French will just say: Ha! The French couldn’t care less. The French are different. They will not be happy to have me visiting their nice country, especially since my knowledge of that beautiful language is pretty basic. They will never respond to me in a friendly or enjoyable way. They will hate me for my pronunciation. They will even pretend I am not there and look away. They will verbally torture me and try to correct every sentence I say even though it might be pretty okay.

But I don’t care. I will keep on smiling. I will also enjoy the fact, that they hate my smile too. And I will come back. And smile more. And I will keep on liking it! Hahahahaaaaaa.


P.s.: Il y a un chien dans le frigo!

Sound of the day: MSTRKRFT – Heartbreaker (Wolfgang Gartner Remix)

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Random information

Strike! Sylvester ist es doch meistens so: Man sucht sich eine Party, geht hin, ist enttaeuscht und denkt sich danach, dass man das so nicht mehr anpacken wird. Wir hatten, um genau diese Problematik zu vermeiden, mal wieder ein Date mit Freunden in den Niederlanden geplant. Geplant, geplatzt. Irgendwie hat es dann doch leider nicht geklappt, wichtige Termine verhinderten eine gepflegte Party und stürzten uns so ins “Wir-suchen-dringend-ne-Party”-Nirvana. Wie ich das hasse. Vor allem so kurzfristig. Die Alternative zur Hausparty waere dann ein Abend in Koeln gewesen. Das hasse ich Prost! allerdings noch viel mehr. Aus Erfahrung. Das laeuft dann naemlich auch immer gleich ab. Man trifft sich mit ein paar Freunden in Koeln, meist in irgendeiner Studentenwohnung, kurz vor 12 muessen alle unbedingt das Feuerwerk ueber dem Rhein sehen und rennen raus. Die Party ist nun praktisch beendet, man sucht gute Sichtplaetze, findet keine, sucht daraufhin nette Partyorte zum abspacken, findet wieder keine, ausnahmslos alle besaufen sich waehrenddessen sinnlos und der Abend endet. Vorzeitig. Oder viel zu spaet. Brrrr.

First view in 2010! Dieses Mal kam alles anders. Zum Glueck hat sich eine Runde netter Menschen zusammengetan und uns eingeladen spontan mitzufeiern. Und, surprise, surprise, es war sehr geil!

Vielen Dank! Immer wieder gerne! :-)

Sound des Tages: Fort Knox Five – Insight (ASkillz Remix)

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I am not mad


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Yeah. Yeah! YEAHHHHH!

Meine Zeit wird kommen,
meine Zeit wird kommen im Jahr 2010.

Wenn wir uns wiedersehen…

Sound des Tages: Echt – 2010

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True story

Me, myself and Frank Living without 24/7 broadband internet while traveling the world really is great fun since you don’t need it to be happy.

Living without 24/7 broadband internet while visiting friends and family in your hometown really sucks since it  may actually help you to be much more happier.

Ha! I’m having flashbacks of my life in the 90’s right now. This is fun!

Sound of the day: Travis – Tied to the 90’s

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Sentimental value

Now that was a nice day...

I went for a walk with my dad yesterday and it was all beautiful and nice. We were just two grown-ups (kind of) having a good time. Yeah.

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No future!

...RAR... Well. You, like, you click on that site, everything’s all fine and fast and stuff and suddenly something pops up and everyone around looks kind of interested. It’s interesting in some strange way dead animals on the side of the road are. Forbidden? Yes! No! I am so bored! But not in your dreams. So you look…most likely stare at the scene and try to figure out what this is all about. Pretty much. You have no clue, do you? No. 

Ha. Never mind. No one has. And guess what? No one cares too.    


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