::People of the sun::

Yeah, that'll do. Ta!

Thought of the day

... Some people just don’t know when to stop. They don’t get it and they don’t care. They just talk, talk, talk. They don’t understand anything. They don’t adjust. They don’t cope. Some people know nothing about life, nothing about their surroundings and nothing about history. And they don’t want to. They are not some extreme lefties trying to escape our society or build a better world. They are not your neighbors. They are not nice. They don’t agree with you and if they do, they make sure you don’t notice it. Some people try to be cool and are just so fucking lame. Some people think they are better than you.

If you had one wish right now, what would that be?

I wish some people would just shut the fuck up!

Sound of the day: The Soft Pack – Answer to Yourself

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