::People of the sun::

Yeah, that'll do. Ta!

Moving on

I wrote about it earlier and now it’s time to give you a heads-up: We’ll  leave on the 13th of October to Dakar and will stay there pretty much over the next 6 month. Reg will study while I will mostly hang around, interrupted by two months of work. Fair enough! The last weeks have been pretty rough and we had way too many things to consider, like health, for example. :-) Yes, we had to get vaccinated against nearly everything possible which, by the way, wasn’t too funny and even rather expensive. Be that as it may, we are ready to roll and have everything we need in place. In addition to it I had my last day in the office today for the next couple of weeks and am pretty happy about it. We even found a nice friend of Reg who will take good care of the house since she subleased half of it. We’re all good now. Yeah.

Well, I guess I’m just very happy someone looks after the snail-mail while I’m away…

Sound of the day: Supergass – Sometimes I Make You Sad

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