::People of the sun::

Yeah, that'll do. Ta!

Upgrade your time

...neverslowdown... Got up at 5.20, showered, had some fast breakfast, drove 400 km’s to my client, worked 8 hours and a little more, got tired, went to the hotel, ate something, hung around just to realize that it’s the end of the month, again. Yeah, I know, that sounds awful but was in fact not too bad. Some days seem to be pretty tough whereas being in fact just busy and maybe, well, maybe a bit too fast.

Strangely enough, I’m often be able to do more things on days I’m already very busy while on the other hand fail to accomplish very simple tasks on days I have nothing to do. True fact. 

...getdown...I like the second category a lot more. I like wasting time. I like being lazy, looking back at the day thinking I have given nothing to this world. Exactly nothing. Nothing I can be proud of. While thinking of this, it makes a lot of sense.

Remember: There’s nothing better than spending some premium time outdoors being totally absorbed in your private universe. You might try it one day…


Sound of the day: Weezer – Hash Pipe

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